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Name: Lilo
Details: 42 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/nonistar
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More fluffy hair
In my own words

Love movies, rugby, F1, music, the sea, food, cooking, dancing, countrylife and city life, trying new things, am loyal, trust worthy and a very interesting sense of humour, probably a bit warped from southpark and family guy and most of my friends are men. Get called a geek even though am not technical at all and think thats about it, always run out of things to say, definitely get brain freeze easily!!!

On twitter @nonistar21
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So am 30 now, still single but I think it is important to point out I have yet to go out and buy a shed load of cats :) I have so far managed to do the following, go to Germany for friends 25th, dress as hollywood icon and jump off diving board (all in same week not day :)) Seen the Foo's and Biffy and been in a mosh, the mosh mainly being an accident. Have taken my mum away twice on walking holidays and now have my own garden at the family farm and grow all my own veg. How is your year going?
My Pet Hate...

chavs, marmite, salad cream, smooth peanut butter has to be crunchy, really spicy food, frozen windscreen when late for work, puddles when not wearing boots, weirdo's homing in on me and talking at me when I haven't even made eye contact, monday morning meetings, men with cold feet, irregular snoring, dripping taps, no hellman's mayo, marg - has to be butter all the way, small splinters, spilling drinks - wastage of tea or champers is just wrong, blue cheese too man, it
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Comments 10 of 62 | post a comment | view all
marvz07 wrote...  
It was fabulous,I was there a few months definitley recommend it t you,I guess I have had a lot on my plate with moving and not seeing family for a while it gets on top after a while,ahh no I'm sorry to hear that,do hope your okay,and definitley that's the spirit x
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mitchy1987 wrote...  
how tall r we talking? x
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mitchy1987 wrote...  
def not! i wouldnt say no x
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mitchy1987 wrote...  
hey sexy u ok? looking hot xx
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jappeto wrote...  
I'm good thanks baby. Missed you!! Xx
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jappeto wrote...  
Well hello there hunni!! X x x
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zade_uk wrote...  
That's the plan haha. Well not like him as I have my own style uniqueness equally skilled though for sure. You seen his new video advertising a beard trimmer?
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kingmidas13 wrote...  
I lived in Padova..love your pics babe, your gorgeous hehe x
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mjmj19 wrote...  
just added u on faceparty. xx
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mjmj19 wrote...  
hey how u? u got msn or anything we can chat on? xx
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Italian and home cooking

Nina Simone/QOTSA/Orbital/Mozart/Muse/Feed er


my whole family

Capalbio, Roma, Bari

My bed


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