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Santa, how much is it for the list of naughty girls
Name: Funky Monk
Details: 47 years old (Sagittarius), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Bristol, Avon, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/djfunky
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In my own words

Not here looking for 'the one' - just here to meet cool (and no doubt some random) people and have a chat, laugh, cry about life and the world. Happy to chat sh1t, happy to chat philosophically (esp when drunk). I'm not a nutter, psycho or anything like that, but I am single and if you are 'the one', that would be lovely, and if you're not, well, let's just natter about rubbish anyway. Take care mes amis (I'm bad at French too - I'm really quite a catch :)

I love to travel and Ive just got back from the Trans Siberian railway (well, the Trans Mongolian if you wanna be picky). Travelled from China to Russia on the train and I can now drink a stupid amount of vodka and still mange to play cards – on

Update - Just back from Portugal and can't wait to get away somewhere else. Going to save all of next years holiday and think I'll go through the States, down into Mexico and over to Cuba - who wants to come??

Update - Just booked tic
From Now On...

and on and on and on.
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Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C minor

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Button Moon

One flew over the cuckoo's nest

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