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Name: Thomas
Details: 43 years old, Male, Single, Straight
Location: Hyatteville, Maryland
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/kjames101us
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In my own words

I have been bless, and know I am ready for marriage. I don't know if I will find my soulmate on this web site. But, I don't want to span the possiblities. I work for the Federal Government, born in New York City, currently living in Washington, DC.
I sit here pondering what life will be with my soulmate beside me. Sharing our thoughts and ideas towards what the future holds. Yet I feel as if you are here right beside me watching me as I write this letter. I drean that our passion spans distances unforeseen by the naked eye, reaching me in ways I never thought possible. Someday, I just want to do something simple, to say I love you and to put that smile.
In A Perfect World...

Some people don't understand
how we can mean so much to each other.
They can't think of anything they have done
to deserve the love we have for each other.
The fact is- by just being who you are,
that is what makes you so special to me.

It is not what you give
or how much you do for me.
It is how you make me feel
when you are around.
For just being there
when I need you
for making me smile
with a simple, hello, how are you?

It is because of whom you
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