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***L e T ]v[ @ ®***
Name: Letmar Elliel
Details: 37 years old (Aquarius), Male, Single, Gay
Location: I am-sterdam, Ontario, Canada
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/letmar
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May i see yer green card sir?
In my own words

I wanted to become a star when I was just a kid and didnt understand why my parents sent me to a shrink.
I can order and eat pizza within 10 minutes.
I can make people laugh within 10 seconds.
I am a spoiled brat but try hard not to act like one.
I dont know anything about computers 'cause I was sick the day they started ruling this world.
I am obsessed with porn and I dont care if theres no cure for it.
I always forget my best friends b-days and try to make it up to'em by giving 100 reasons why Im the best friend someone could ever have.
I want to live forever.
Im more interested in the X-mas wrapping paper than in the present itself.
I love watching romantic movies and always end up crying because I have to watchem alone.
I would like to live in the prime ministers head for a single day in order to finally understand whats really going on in there.
I cant stop eating Krispy Cream Donuts once I have sta
My Eternal Dilemma...

Will Cinderella Dance again?


Cincerella will dance over and over again... but she must learn how to be happy by her self... with or without Prince Charming!
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j-ash wrote...  
well i do this and that u no going out wiv freinds sum sport etc how about u
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j-ash wrote...  
well i work for cemx they a mexican company actually i just do customer service at the mo u sound really genuine
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16 photos
Favorite Things

Enchiladas (mexican traditional dish)

Psycho Electro, Progressive Jazz and Soft Rock

TV Show
Heroes, the class

Moacyr Scliar

The event

Night Club / Bar
Wherever they sell alcohol... LOL

Siberian white tiger


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Virginity... L O L... I guess a condom...


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