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GrEeN bRaIn...-> SoLdIeR Of Da RaInBoW cReW!!!!
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Well all settled into my new place and into uni now. got all the fun work to do *groans* jus need to get the frickin net sorted at home so i dont have to feel paranoid at uni wheneva i check my mails and shizzle (i doubt my life is that interesting but it still feels uncomfortable!)
weekend jus gone was pretty intense!! fri had Jo's party and Eds White party for his 18th, So much fun!! Sat i went to a wedding hich had a chocolate fountain (O..M...G!!) and sun i was at Edz house for his familyp arty...Mon i stayed at Craigs and then tues i had a date which went REALLY well :P so happy its looking good!
wat a nite!!! Went out with my work mates for my friends rainna's (crazyraindrop)and me mate chris b-day. was wkd! started off atl iverpool street and was pissed after one drink cos i hadn;t eaten lol.. granted ti was double tennesse bell and coke!. best part is i barely paid for ANY drinks... only like 3 of my own lol. went oxygen bar as well cos some public worker person for them could get usi n on da cheap! was quite a small club but the music was really mixed. such a good nite!!
Well Fri went Ku then popstarz wit da rainbow crew!! My friend darryl also tagged along and for once i actually got chatted up!! :O!! lol i was drunk tho and i gave him the wrong No. For my phone!! lmao. o well considering he told me he normally stabs ppl that annoy him maybe it was a lucky escape!!
aww man wat an amazing nite last nite/this morning! out clubbing from 11pm to 4am for craigs (the_binx_effect) birthday and it was sooo good. went ku then ehaven, got drunk, danced our bootays off, snogged lots of lads and had an all round great start to the new year!!! anyhew ciao for now!
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