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more facts you didn't know about me... wrote
11. I've only ever been in love once!
12. I don't believe I was meant to be here for the rest of life.
13. I have two older sisters, they're like my best friends.
14. I have a small obsession with Panda's!
15. I don't like "big fuss" events - weddings are a no no!
16. I've never taken drugs, never will!
17. My nose tingles when I'm about to cry.
18. I don't smoke & think it's disgusting..
19. I have three journals, which I haven't even finished yet.
20. My second home is America!
facts you didn't know about me !? wrote
1. I have a fear/phobia of Octopus' - my worst fear!
2. I have a soft spot for men with facial hair and nose rings.
3. I've never dyed my hair, what I have is my natural colour ;]
4. I always end up with an older man, I must attract them!
5. I plan to live in New York and live my life there.
6. I wish I was an artist.
7. I've always struggled with my skin !
8. I'm pretty religious and believe there is a God.
9. I wish I was born the late 70's !
10. I wish I was covered in tattoo's, yee
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