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Last thought for the day wrote
There;'s more to life then alcahol, there's a lot more then gaming.. Need the imagination, need to do more..
Needs to visit theatre soon, Do you ever like a life giver, or just like giving your life?
I need a sign from someone, something to a smile, a kind word and some new things to do..
Less alcahol is always a way forward.
New Rags wrote
I'm liking my new jumper, a new style, a new face..Always good for have new rags every now and again.
Nothing much else to replort to the world wide web.
If anyone wants to talk then please let me know
Words wrote
Whats in a word, one thiks
Portentiously reffering to my self in the third person
hopeing not to mistype and write gobbledygoook as i usually doo
one time i'll get back to my lasts lurical materpiece, about Gethsemeni, oh yes, yest another biblical inpsired works YAWN.. All good fun tough all good fun....
i best be off now
ta ta x
todays diary x2 wrote
now that didn;'t wory.. sorry that last blog was a doozy
anyways had a good kareoke tonight, love it!! lov my new black drum skins, they are awesome and blooking swish
Can't stop loookig on here for lasses, addicted,.. I'd love to meet one of them, the one whod suprise me, throw me over my heels and enjoy a date and a meal somehwere and what have you...That wold be great
M dog has just fallen down the stairs,with his bad leg and back thatw asn't very good
Enjoy my profile, message me anyone
Nothing lats forver, Changes are imenant wrote
Sitting here on Christmas day night looking at the screen eating an apple, how quaint!!!
Like most evening, i'm trying to find someone to talk to as no one is on MSN or IMVU...! Trying to fine soneone to meet up as friends, as you do...
My Christams day was excllent though besides getting a comtuer z desk and a CD unit that idont want, i got an awsome coast and MP3 player so all is right the world.. and am so fgld that the paretns liekd their presents.. what luck!!!!
till next time
see y
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