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Hey, hey..how cold is it today! Just at wrk again, not doing much. Any ideas as to what u can do to amuse yourself in an office?!
Going out tonight for a drinky..should be a giggle.
I just have this really annoying headache..think a couple of nurofen n malibu's will sort that out!
x mwah x
At work and bored again so thought i would update this thingy.
Not much to say really. Had a good weekend! Im going to disney land paris with me besie mate! yipee rox!
Going out with the girlies from work tonight, drinks in london, n then a movie. Thats the only good thing about working in london - the night life! :)
anyways gotta go c ya all
take care
x mwah x
spent most of the weekend at my mates house...fantastic!
Two nights of pizza n i watchd Alfie. If Jude Law aint enough to please u, nuthing is! lmao (yummy, scrummy)
Anyways mothersday tomorrow, so thats gonna be fun.

have good weekends all..

c ya x kelly x
OMG it snowed, what did i say yesturday!
and yes i have fallen flat on my ass, n its only the morning!

Its going to be fun gettin home!

Im still bored, thats why im puttin more stuff in this crazy diary thingy..??!

Well hope everyone is havin fun in the snow today!

x kelly x
im at wrk...very bored

im planning my next weekend, as last weekend was so pants!!

my mate got the day off wrk, so i have no one to tlk to...!!

im sooo bored, n its freezin cold. If it snows i wont be amused cause i always fall flat on my ass! lol

okies, well theres nuthin else to say except im bored!

x kelly x
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