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Happier! wrote
olario, am feeling good at the moment, getting new jobs and moving to brighton! hurrrrah
Nothing but the truth wrote
Ok, after lying and leading people along on here, I think I need to tell my truth..even if no one cares! Have just broke up with a guy i've been seeing for three months...in that time i have spoken to people on here as if I'm single. For this I apologise. ironically, me and my ex broke up coz he was cheating on me. I think the way forward for me personally is to just be truthful and not to be deceitful and sly again as this seems to be a trait shared by a large amount of gay men, myself include
my weekend wrote
Well, to be honest, my weekend was a bit absurd. Stayed in on Friday to catch up on some much needed sleep, watched the charlotte church show, which was actually quite amusing! then on sat went out on an all day bender (dale winton?) in soho and ended up home by 9.30pm as got obnoxious and rude...this seems to be happening quite often when i'm really pissed..i seem to think everyone is attacking me and doesn't like me..so I lash out..anyone else suffer from this? and is it normal or am i a knob
Shaved head wrote
Having shaved my head on Friday and seeing Nitney shears also performing this act has made me think. Why does our hair matter so much? Well, it is an extension of our bodies and can identifiy us to certain groups upon sight i.e. mohican=punk, afro=funky (sometimes!) I think the act of shaving hair is to bring yourself back to basics and show your base humanity...no frills or dressings just you. Granted I like how i look with shaved hair but I also feel a lot more mentally together..curious..
What I think about shit wrote
Have never done a blog before...kind of think my opinions don't really hold a lot of influence! well anyways, I am feeling on a bit of a downer today...had a heavy drugs weekend (which, granted, was hilarious) but am feeling the paranoia last night. Was on the phone to a mate last night and was complaining that I didn't know what to do with my life and how I was lost...then he reminded me I had done drugs at the weekend so I wasn't really feeling it...truth=beauty? who knows!
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