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its only worth doin if ya gonna do it twice!!
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the phrase 'taking it to extremes does not justify my behaviour this weekend..drinking till 7am is always a good idea at the time but then when you leave the club and the sun is up and peple are passing in there cars on way to work you realise that this is no way to live and some form of responsibility must be taken...however on this occasion i am going to pass on taking responsibility and just carry on ..just so everybody knows!!
the phrase 'taking it to extremes does not justify my behaviour this weekend..drinking till 7am is always a good idea at the time but then when you leave the club and the sun is up and peple are passing in there cars on way to work you realise that this is no way to live and some form of responsibility must be taken...however on this occasion i am going to pass on taking responsibility and just carry on ..just so everybody knows!!
well me n jay well actually i lie jay alone i am jus watchin n gettin in the way to be fair.where was i oh ye well he is at his true gay best and is xmas decoratin-yes to the sweet sound of :all i want for xmas:miss carey is in our front room!lol.the tree is lookin fab-but was a lil hiccup when he spent 40 mins puttin lights on only to discover the c!!!g things were knackered -spitting the dummy is not the term lol.so its all goin on-i do not reccomend nor approve of activities on hungova days
well well well its 9.45pm on a sunday and i have hardly moved all day due to the fact that i am dyin after last nights fun n games-the jay factors bday no less so we did it in true hardcore style and got absolutely paraletic-out of our trees we were-yep yep.love it!repeat performance later this week me thinks.oh n today i would like to thank the lovely girls on the chicken counter at morrisons who gave me some dins as the cookin was jus not happenin-god bless your souls lol x
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