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when things were simple wrote
Remember When ?
Now just for a minute, I want you to forget everything stressful in your life and have a wee listen to this..now the memories will come flooding back..so clear your mind and go back in time before the internet or the applemac before semi automatics, joyriders and crack before sega, super nintendo, were going away back, Im talking about hide n seek in the park, the cornershop, hopscotch, butterscotch skipping, handstands, football with an old can, fingerbobs, the beano
when things were simple wrote
It wasnt odd to have 2 or 3 best friends Remember when you didnt sleep a wink on Christmas Eve? When nobody owned a pure bred dog when 25p was decent pocket money, when youd reach into a puddle for a penny. When nearly everybodys mum and dad was at home when the kids got there. Remember when it was magic when your dad would remove his thumb. When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant by your parents.
when things were simple wrote
When any parent could discipline any kid or feed him, or use him to carry groceries, and nobody minded, not even the kid, thought a thing about it. When being sent to the headmasters office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student when he got home, basically we were in fear off our lives, but it wasnt because of drive by shootings, drugs or gangs, parents and grand parents were a much bigger threat, some of us are still afraid.
when things were simple wrote
Didnt that feel good? Just good back and say Yeah I remember that, remember when decisions were made by going einee, minee, moo, race issue meant arguing who ran the fastest, money issues were handled by the banker in Monopoly.

Remembr when the worst thing you could catch from girls was germs, and the worst thing was being made to sit next to a girl. It was unbelievable that stick in the mud and Bulldog werent Olympic events.
when things were simple wrote
Remember taking drugs meant taking orange flavoured chewable aspirin. Icecream was considered a basic food group, getting a foot of snow was considered a dream come true, older siblings were your worst tormentors but also your fiercest protectors.

If you remember most or all of these things, then you have truly lived .

Pass this on to anyone who needs a break from his or her grown-up life.

I double double dare you!!!!
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