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Oooooh-errrr... wrote
I just deleted my adult pics. I fear I'm attracting the WRONG sort of attention, and, well since I put them on there over a year ago, I've grown up a bit - don't really need the fix of feeling better about myself based on other people's opinions.Think I need to rethink being on this site in general... it's just a bit crap and charver-y really isn't it? Not that I'm saying everyone who uses it is a charver, I'm talking about the fakes. It's not the place to meet intelligent articulate people...
*Woah* wrote
Knocking on the door of 29.... wow... I feel all... erm... OLD. Crap. Bit bored of being single now too... I see all these women treating their blokes like poo, not making them happy, nagging etc... and I wonder why on earth am I single? Not blowing my own trumpet or owt... but I'm a GREAT girlfriend, laid back, caring, loving, easy going, snuggly, nymphomaniac, I don't nag, don't pick fights, forgive easily... why oh why oh why does no-one actually want to make an honest woman of me? *sigh*
Oh my gosh... wrote
How many visitors have I had to my profile? Jeeeezus! :-o That means potentially a LOT of people have seen my boobs... maybe I should remove them from the (almost) public domain? I dunno... My mother would kill me if she knew, yep, I'm 28 and still terrified of my mum! I can't believe how absolutely shattered I am today... seriously...
fluff.. wrote
How cool is the word fluff? Random I know... but I'm just having a crazy day, bear with me... Got a bit of a cold at the moment, so I'm all dosed up on lemsip max strength... it's so potent it's almost hallucenogenic... or could that be the toad I licked earlier? Not that I'm into licking reptiles, unless you count the exes - but that's a bit unfair on frogs innit? tarring them all with the same brush.. hmm. Anyhow, not up to much at the moment, just pootling along doing my own thing as ever! x
It's really sad, a friend of mine - both on here and in real life was killed recently in a motorbike accident. His profile is still online, he logged in on the day of his accident. It's real sad, and I'm still very upset.
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