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kind,carin 'n' lovin
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a bit late wrote
Well been back from edinburgh for a while now. Had a great time was good to get away except for missin me bf loads.
were off to blackpool for the weekend soon. will be gd to go away together for the first time a few of us goin so sld be loads of fun. will try and keep me pics updated but never get a chance latley.
bye for now
off to Edinburgh wrote
Well all packed and ready to go. off to Barrys tonight then away i go tomorrow.
gunna miss him so much! spent a lot of time toghether latley so in love. He asked me to move in with him too. deff summin between us. just hope hes the right one this time cant take anymore heartache!

well gunna enjoy me week away in Scottland! (well except for missin my baby) but hey loads of catchin up to do when i get back :)

Enjoy and tlk to you all when im back.
goin out! wrote
weel been a long week so gunna go out and have a lil fun for a change let my hair down. never know may actually find a decent bloke out there somewhere.

will reveal all upon my return.lolHave fun all! x
The day after the day before wrote
Well finally made it to 22 had a great bday spent it with me family in the day saw a few friendsa and had all evenin and night with me bf.

Had a bit of a rough day today so need loads of cheering up.
Life can be such a bitch at times well seems like most of the time at the mo.
Anyway got all me friends to help me through it all always there for ya mo matter wot!
wot a weekend wrote
Well weekends been good,( that makes a change)
Had me nephew and his mate stay with me on friday which was fun 2 kids under 7 turning my flat upside down. can imagin the state it was in. never mind they kept me happy(except for waking up at 6am watching cbebbies) we all had a good time which is the main thing.
Had to go to work today but only half an hour left then i can have some me time a few beers feet up in front of the telle sounds like heaven! ;-)

x x
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