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untitled wrote
an octopus walks into a bar and says ' i can play ANY instrument ever made.' an englishman gives him a guitar,and he plays it as good as eric clapton ever could. an irishman gestures to a piano and he plays it like a maestro. then a scotsman pulls out a set of bagpipes and hands them to him. the octopus fumbles about for a minute and begins to look frustrated. the scot asks 'canye not play it?' the octopus replies' Play it? im gonna shag her brains out once i get her out of these pyjamas!!!! '
words of wisdom wrote
when yer feelin like yer life aint goin the way it should,that theres not enough excitement in yer life,that you need something to make yer heart pump,yer adreline flow and make you think about the good and bad in yer life in a few seconds....

flick a german shepards nuts! that ought to sort it!!!!
word of the wise wrote
gals should be treated like princesses outside of the bedroom and like goddesses inside,dont let those arrogant twats treat you like you dont deserve it!!!! but let yerself lose yer inhibitions when it comes to sex
sometimes in your life you meet someone that for some reason you just click.you can talk day and night and never know too much about them.when they arent around you feel lost,when they are there you feel all the crap in your life has been worth it just for it all to have lead to this one person.just by having known them enriches your life.whether or not this person is a lover a friend or a relative,doesnt matter,what matters is that you had a chance to know them...here endeth the lesson!
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