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Keep talking about me....you're making me famous!! x
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Matt-Fury....small and annoying like a house fly!! wrote
You hounded me for months, battered me with messages and then rocked up to my home town looking like something off Fraggle Rock! Don't tell lies just because I blew you out in a spectacular fashion....you're rotten and I'm out of your league. Your breath stinks like something died in your belly, and even your linked buddies message me taking the piss out of you! Matt-Fury, talking shit causes halitosis, so stop it and clean your teeth you mess!...PS - TAKE ME OFF YOUR FLIPPING BUDDY LIST!
BEXLEYLICIOUS - why all the bad ratings?! STOP LOOKING AT MY PAGE! Bird if you're going to post pictures of yourself on the net in underwear then at least make sure it's not Primark's specials!!.... X-PWYNCESS-X - winter's over darling so why are you storing up food in your hamster cheeks like you're about to hibernate??...
SOUTHPORT101 - you are a classic example of why I would never date a guy from Southport, full of yourself, poor and U.G.L.Y, stop mailing me!!...Ha ha!!
Guys and Girlies, listen up!! wrote
Don't let my profile put you off, I'm a nice girl....message me!! I ONLY NAME AND SHAME FACE PARTY'S FINEST FREAKS AND GEEKS! Those who intentionally go out to upset others, using the internet like a tool to make people feel bad. SOME OF YOU ROTTERS ON HERE OBVIOUSLY HAD A TRAUMATIC CHILDHOOD! I hope your antics let you sleep soundly at night. Anyone who's had Face Party hassles then let me know, and I'll expose and rip apart the culprits for all to see. Where's the love Face Party goers? :)
999pool wrote
STOP MESSAGING ME!! I block you, so you send comments, and then message me from your mate's account. You clearly must be rotten because you don't have a profile picture. I'M NOT INTERESTED!! And now you make me name and shame you. It's freaks like you that push a nice girl like me into being a bitch. CIAO LOSER!!
4 entries  

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