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Blog of the Month Competition the winner gets $25. wrote
This competition is to find the best blog of the month for May 2009 on the pokerknave.com site. It is only open to those who have an account with pokerknave.com and the criteria for the best blog will be:

1. The blog is interesting.
2. The blog is informative.
3. The blog has some post about the bloggers poker lifestyle.
4. The blogger has made more than 5 post during the month of May.
5. The blog posts must be original.

The competition starts at 00:01(GMT) on the 1st of May 2009, and
www.pokerknave.com wrote
Hi to all my poker chums who have been patient and understanding in these difficult times? The website is now up and ready for testing. Have had a look around and then set up an account - remember choose a name that you like and feel comfortable with because it will be yours and the place where everyone will go to check you out so make sure you are happy with the name.
I am aiming to launch the site to the general public on January 1st 2009 at 2pm (GMT), so your feedback will be most welcomed
Who fancies a chance of taking on the bad man? wrote
Who fancies a chance of taking on the bad man?

Just been made an offer I could not refused, so I have decided to pass it around. You can take on the original poker playing miscreant and try and win a place to a massive tournament which has a $2.5 million prize pool with CD Poker (bonus code: pkrknave).

If you do fancy taking me on in a online game of poker - which is free, then let me know the time and days that suits you best (i.e Sundays between 6pm and 10pm GMT), and I will set up the
Another hard luck story at Not The World Series of wrote
For those who have been taking interest in NTWSOP, you will be intrigued in the Herculean efforts that have been put into teaching casual passer bys the rudiments of poker playing, and, the pleasure of calling a hand to have it beaten by a lunatic bet. Here is another one!

When you have 3 Jacks you do not expect to have someone raise you with a Ace high card well my friends it happened to me and wow what a buzz it created to see it come off. I had 3 Jacks and I played my hands so well I play
Why Me? wrote
Why is it that every time I log onto certain sites I always get at least 2 messages saying ''that I am a lucky winner'' or ''quickly click this banner we have your prize ready for you''?

It really seems strange that all these people seem to want to give me a car or $5,000 dollars or even a holiday around the world! What have I done to deserve such good fortune? I certainly never brought a lottery ticket or even entered a competition, yet I still get numerous offers of riches that I surely do
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