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untitled wrote
Why can't life be simple eh! lol suppose then it'd be no fun! lol Work is soooo dull sadly highlight of my day is chasing up figures at mo! My team r good laugh but all so busy as well. Richards still off poorly so not got him to chat to, or rather have him take p*** out of me lol

im off home in a minute cant hang around here all day sadly! NOT i bought a good book today i might read it on the train home, thats if theres enough room last night got train home i felt like a sardine
mmmm wrote
2nd day of work is dragging! My god i need a fag ive lasted 24 hours without one but beginning to crave the little sticks!!!ggggrrrr I dont know where to look my desk looks like a bombs hit it! My draws fit to burst with my mysterious filing lol

Got kick boxing today although i feel that mysterious tummy ache coming on, well eastenders is on! lol
Christmas time! wrote
Hope everyone had a fab christmas because i did! I always say christmas isn't christmas without someone having a huge barny, & yup had one of those! lol I love christmas i got lots of pressies, im not spoilt but i did well :) i'm looking forward to a great new year, i'm more excited about the new year than i was christmas!!!! Its great yey! t minus 7 and a half hours until new year yey.!!!! ill write my new year resolutions tomorro i reckon when ive chosen some lol
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