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my fortress pt 2 wrote
So I built again, with a moat, high and thick walls
Towers above the sky and doors of pure steel
As I build my tower to the sky
And I see how wid e the world is
And how high up I am
I close the drawbridge tight
for fear of how far I'll fall
And how deep I'll be buried
If I let another in, and they tear it down.
My fortress, pt 1 wrote
As a child I learned
The pain inherent in life
So I built myself a tower
With a wall think and high
That no one would break through
But I was simply a child
An my might tower
Was but a mole hill
And came crashing down
So older and and wiser I rebuilt a fortress
With thick walls and high towers
A mighty door of iron and oak
Protecting that inside
But foolish me, it was neither high, thick, iron or oak
And yet again it all came crashing down
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