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with reality comes fantacy and with that comes a line easily crossed
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Argg! I'm pregnant wrote
Me.. Pregnant, I know right, the words do not belong
together in a sentence.
I am currently 15 weeks & 4 days pregnant, officially..
Its taken some time getting used to, I'm not really used to
being delicate.. Fragile, if you must...
Well at least I get whatever food I want when I want it lol
Peace out guyz
Underage Clubbing, FUCK YEAH! wrote
I am like officially awesome, I just got into my frist club ever and I'm underage, dude, can you say legend status?! It is quite a funny story actually, Australia is really hardcore about underage drinking cuz apparently teenagers binge drink blah blah blah, anywho, had this friend whose over here from Canada and she leant me her passport, didnt look anything like me, well thats what I thought, but the bouncer tended to disagree, he did give me a second look tho. I totally rock!
The Anti Socialites wrote
I have discovered a very important thing of late, the need to have friends that arent social! Dont get me wrong, we're not emos we just dont like other people. Its a wonder we stand each other.... The most sickest bunch of people you could ever put together lol
But I cant say Im not loving it
I <3 Maija, Mikey & Drewbie
New Beginnings wrote
I am now officially a little bit cooler. I live on a University campus. Can you spell PARTY! Cuz all the drunk fucks here cant, lol. Living the dream and loving it! I havent slept for like three days and I am loving all of it!!!! Party tonite! Woot!
Hair wrote
Okay I dont know if any of you have noticed but I am quite obsessed with my hair .... I love it and only recently I put pink streaks thru it. It is white blonde with pink now very sexy! The only problem is its so hard to keep in perfect condition. Grrrr
5 entries  

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