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Come on boys n gals Tut tut all strut!!
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its a travesty in facvt its a f****n major doubtr for the future the leaves are falling of the trees the yobs are still hanging about on the street parks and its only a couple of months till christmas, show me the love and help me arrange my future. this shall be the last entry from the great one a smy cool tools departs in 12 days time and to be honest im quite appreciative of this fact as i like the supris eof not knowin! ciao for now
As yet another weekend approaches the expectation grows stronger, Ricky requires lager ladies and a bit of tut tut lets strut down the shedmill or the cattle market as i shall now call it. But oh no, Gaz doesnt go, then i dont go! Well comedy at its best he is loved up so ill let him have a weekend off! Right anyone who can accomodate for a night on the tiles sleazy happenings and naughtiness lwet me know and im there (tonight or tomorro) Now then GAZ where's the bar!!
Twas a cold and blustry night but it all started around 2.30pm yesterday whilst at work i was speaking with my fellow know it all citizens who happened to inform me of a secret location gig for this band known as Monkey Arctics!!! Who r they i asked!?!? He says to me only the biggest band us Yorkshireman have ta offer. I said what bigger than ABC and Human Leauge (im just kiddin of course) Arctic Monkeys were awsome vocaly and on stage performance excellent support by the Gass Club too!
Was my birthday monday! Where were all my cards (includes you gaz) thinking about retiring soon as im fading away fast started to fall asleep at the leadmill saturday nite....you'd a thought it was due to being full of alcohol, but it was actually tiredness! Needless to say Gaz didnt let us down falling out of the taxi! Where's the bar!
After popping to the local brewery for a bite to eat i noticed some dribble in the corner of my mouth, so ladies what i wanna see when i get home is 8oz steak. Nevertheless im starting to believe women dont listen to a thing i say. i tell them its my birthday and im looking for a special present and what do i get....cash to visit the local brothel!...where's the bar!
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