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<3 ~*Hey...im Lisa wassuuup!*~ <3
Name: Lisa-Marie It's my Birthday!
Details: 36 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Straight
Location: <3 ~*Essex...yeah...great teehee*~ <3, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/myconundrum
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In my own words

<3 <3 ~*Hey im Lisa, like watchin movies, listen to music...and dancing around my living room scarying my cats *crazy ladys dancing again ahhhh ruuuun* lol mwahaha, and not necessarily in that order. I like alot of music its stupid to try list it all...so top five it is
2.System of a down
3.yeah yeah yeahs
4.maximo park
. ...but but i have to say the, the kooks, artic monkeys,audioslave, white stripes, distillers, hot hot heat and queens of the stone age, dashboard confessional, the smiths, (boomtownrats cos my mum says so)and and...Lmao ok im done...ooo babyshambles and blocparty...oops...i went en listed them...grrr
anywhooo lol, im very random and i get bored easily so if i ever wonder off don't worry i'll come bk...its probally jus because i saw summit shiney from the corner of my eye and went to touch it gahaa*~ <3 <3
My Funniest Moment...

<3At the firkin when despite the fact that my 1 word of advice to Amy was dnt get drunk en blaze...we got so drunk that stonin up googled like a gd idea...the nxt thing i remember was every1 shoutin 'time 2 go opium'...me en Amy were still sitting there laughing like fools a whole hour later hehe damn gd tho :op Or Whilst shopping in Lakeside with Kay she said ''Lis i wanna buy a rabbit'' to which my intelligent responce was 'aww so cute' Doh wrong rabbit!<3
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Favorite Things

<3~*Bagels with bacon & cream cheese mmM*~<3

<3~*Rock/indie/(sum pop.. lilly allens cool)*~<3

TV Show
Six ft under/FamilyGuy/Sex+theCity/BandOFb rother

<3 ~*Martha O'Connor/Carrey sex+the city hehe*~<3

<3 ~*Empire records, Mall Rats, Closer*~ <3

Night Club / Bar
<3~*Firkin pub...or Opium club*~<3

<3~*My cats Missey, Millie and alfie*~<3

<3~Kay,Leanne,Marisa, Laur ,Dave,Laura, Amy~<

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<3 Amsterdam :oD my bed ;o) or pub<3

<3 ~*Six feet under, sex+the city dvds*~ <3


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