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Name: Rab (Robert)
Details: 49 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/rabkebab
In my own words

Normal, well ok, slightly abnormal guy, im not 'wrong' just a wee bit off the wall, tend to do random, i think i have the 'random' gene, i mean, like who can answer a question with 'a blue robin reliant with a flat front tyre(somehow i managed it)' especially when the question was 'do you take sugar?' That'll teach me to go round to my mums on a sunday:-) oh yeah i have this really weird thing where i can remember stupid things, like the longest bus in the world is 96m long, used to transport gold mine workers to, erm, work, in south africa or the place with the shortest name in the world is 'Y' in france, bizarre, but i can never remember what happened yesterday? Oh well, i aint a nutjob just have a pretty photographic memory, unless it was a photo taken last night:-)
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ditzydi wrote...  
cheers ive added you on you can get me at [email protected] x
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ditzydi wrote...  
ran out of messages but will take your advice and will hopefully catch up wi you later on! take care x
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