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.i.danced.to.all.your.fxcking. soul.
Name: [ |< ]
Details: 35 years old (Pisces), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Nottingham..., United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/x_kkaayylleeyy_
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In my own words

+ Friends + Music + The Killers + Head Automatica + Finch + TBS + Vegetarian + Self Hatred + Open Minded + Dancing + GHD's + Urban Decay + Sexy Hugs + Talking For Hours + Laughing + Kissing + Memories + Pictures + Late Nights + Early Mornings + Bxtching + Brandon Flowers + Marylin Monroe + Audrey Hepburn + Christina Aguilera + Carmen Electra + Cocktails + Sun + Snow + 3am Discoteques with Libby + Getting Stoned + Millions + Yoga + sXe's + Subway + Wine + Marlborough Lights + PS2 + Movies + Hair Products + Phone Calls + Text Messages + Gigs + Seeing Old Friends + Making New Friends + Finishing Work + Lactose Intolerant + :Libby:Andrew:Martin:Jack: :Lauren:Amy:Stacey:Ruthe:Dani: :Laura:Kelly Bee::Rik:Heather:Crystel: +
In A Perfect World...

+ I like most people + I'm comfortable with my sexuality But not with myself + I want my friends to be happy + My friends mean the world to me + My Christina Calender Pictures are So Hot + I love The Killers, And i saw them. and I love Head Automatica + I'm not fond of all you Scene Fxcks.... + + Me + Libby + Andy + Matt in our new flat... ON FRIDAY..WOOP+ :o)+
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Favorite Things

Vegetarian + Chinese/Sushi [Lactose.Intolerant.]

Most music.... LaLa

TV Show
Friends+RichGirls+SimpleLife+L ittleBritain+TheOC

Philip Pullman + Dave Pelzer + Helen Fielding

Monster + Kids + Thirteen + A Clockwork Orange

Night Club / Bar
Dogma+RockCity+SpeakEasy+Screa m+RRooms+Obsession

PussyCats + Hippos + Hyenas

Liberty + Andrew + Martin

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Somewhere with good people + Music

Music + Hugs + Gin


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